Chattanooga, TN Newborn Photographer | Henry

When Ashley contacted me about Henry’s newborn session, I knew immediately that she was my kind of girl! She had browsed the (at the time) neglected blog and told me her style and her favorite sessions we had photographed. She wanted something natural and timeless, and those are my absolute favorites.

You might not believe it, but he’s 8 weeks old here. Yes, you can still achieve newborn style photos with “older” babies. I have had clients in the past tell me that they’ve actually been turned away by other photographers because the baby is over 2 weeks old. Um, what? Not me! We LOVE older babies!! We are skilled enough to know just how to approach these sessions. Sure, they might be a little harder to get to sleep, a little less flexible, and that’s perfectly okay. But would you just look at that amazing skin tone and that hair!! I’ll take it!!

We always enjoy capturing awake shots when we get the chance. All those facial expressions are priceless. They usually end up being some of the parents favorites. I can see why.

We also love capturing all the tiny details. The feet, hands, eyelashes (ohh, his lashes are wow!!) hair, ears, and especially the chub. Here at Tiffany Smith Photography we celebrate chub! In fact, we are obsessed with it.

He was the perfect little model. Smiling all the way through his session, as if he knew what his job was.

I also wanted to share that Henry’s mom has a fun blog that I’m sure you will enjoy. She is just so sweet, beautiful and full of pure joy, so the name suits her perfectly.

Thank you, Ashley, for sharing you little guy with us! We will see you in a few months for his sitter session!


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